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What a mega-epic sensation SN8’s high altitude test by SpaceX was 🚀🔄👍🏼 (10 Bilder)

I am watching SpaceX launches for years now and each and everyone is a marvel on the intersection of engineering and software. I read once that the booster landing on a drone ship is like throwing a pencil over the Empire States Building and land on a penny. What we saw yesterday with an ascend to a high altitude of a vehicle never been so high up, powered by engines never running for so long (and in concert and being re-ignited mid-flight), then belly-flop 50 meters of steel (that’s 12 stories high, people), keeping that silver sausage levelled that it could serve a champaign tower, and then rotate that giant Starship a few meters above ground to an upright position – I am lost for words and dropped a serious amount of tears yesterday.

Mega cudos and respect for the SpaceX team and seeing forward to SN9, SN10 and the upcoming Mars landing.

After #20MacsFor2020 brought so much light into this dark year I signed up for #Upgrade+ though being an early @SixColors member. Can’t get enough of @jsnell – onto the next 20 years!

DevTerm von Clockwork – ein mobiles Open Source Terminal für „normale“ Entwickler (6 Bilder)

The A5 notebook size integrates complete PC functions with a retro-futurism design, a 6.8-inch ultra-wide screen, classic QWERTY keyboard, necessary interfaces, high-speed wireless, long battery life, and even includes a practical thermal printer.

Das DevTerm kommt in drei Varianten, mit und ohne Thermodrucker sowie komplett in Einzelteile zerlegt, zum Selberbauen. Die Preise liegen bei 249 US$, 219 US$ und 319 US$. Ich habe den GameShell Handheld von Clockwork und bin begeistert von der Qualität.

clockworkPi v3.14 is compatible with the Raspberry Pi CM3 series, which means that your work on the Raspberry Pi can be "teleported" to a portable terminal in seconds!

D.h. das DevTerm ist auf eine gewisse Art zukunftssicher, weil zukünftige Raspberry Pi Compute Module passen sollten. Clockwork bietet aber auch eigene “Cores” an.

Very nice!

But user friendliness is about more than performance: it can also be about form factor. In particular, having fewer objects on your desk makes for a simpler set-up experience. Classic home computers – BBC Micros, ZX Spectrums, Commodore Amigas, and the rest – integrated the motherboard directly into the keyboard. No separate system unit and case; no keyboard cable. Just a computer, a power supply, a monitor cable, and (sometimes) a mouse.

Leider habe ich so viele Raspberry Pi Gehäuse, wie ich Raspis habe (und seit Neuestem sogar das NexDock), daher setze ich diesmal aus.

PS Heise online hat auch einen schönen Artikel und ein Video zum Raspberry Pi 400.

To kick-start the process, the PTT ordered millions of Minitel terminals (built by French manufacturers such as Telic-Alcatel and Matra) and made them available at no cost to everyone in the country who had a telephone line. Anyone curious about the new system being promoted on TV could simply go to the post office and return home with a shiny new Minitel box.

Ich erinnere mich an einen Frankreichurlaub in den 80er bei dem wir bei einem älteren Herrn übernachtet hatten. Der hat mir voller Stolz sein kostenloses Minitel im Flur gezeigt, mit dem er Telefonnummern online suchen konnte und mit seinen Enkeln E-Mails schrieb. Ich war begeistert.

At present, it's not possible to make bootable copies of Big Sur, even with asr, Apple's own built-in replication utility. As such, we haven't released a Beta, or even an internal Alpha, because it wouldn't meet our own requirements.

Bereits Catalina ist in diesem Bezug ein Alptraum. Daher rate ich jeder Catalina Nutzerin mal testweise vom SuperDuper! Klon zu booten. Bei mir ist das eine recht wackelige Kiste und es liegt nicht an SuperDuper! sondern an dem Unterbau von Apple.

This special bundle includes Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy, all optimised for Nintendo Switch with updated HD graphics, Joy-Con controls, as well as a music player featuring the epic soundtracks from all three games!

Super Mario 64 habe ich durchgespielt und aus vollem Herzen geliebt. Danach habe ich aber irgendwie den Faden verloren – schön, dass ich ihn nun wieder aufnehmen kann.

Auch Hammer – Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit